

Build an extensive and powerful round-the-clock network of praying and proactive women for societal transformation and development.


Develop and carry out positive self-help training, empowerment and mentoring programmes as a leadership development strategy for women and girls to become powerful change agents in their communities


Assist women and youth to achieve self-sufficiency through relevant rehabilitation, technical/vocational skills acquisition and entrepreneurial schemes


Conduct studies and collate in-depth research data on issues of concern to women for the purpose of disseminating information for effective planning and development intervention to relevant users


Serve as a platform of socio-political engagement for women to voice their concerns and promote their collective interests, under God, at all levels of policy and public discourse.


Engage in grassroots, cultural, media, policy and legislative advocacy to promote a culture of excellence throughout society


Establish and maintain a database of Nigerian women in leadership and entrepreneurship,


Develop an effective communication strategy for promoting and sharing our values, products and services

Our Core Values

Men and women were created equal in God's sight and both share in His image and likeness for His purpose of productivity on earth

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